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Search issues WII Filesize Ascending gives me large and small filesizes??

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by BoyFromOZ, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. BoyFromOZ

    BoyFromOZ New Member

    Hi is it just my PC or has anyone else have this issue?
    I did a search for this topic using different words and came up empty so posted.

    This occurs on the first three pages then appears normal expected results after that.

    The reverse happens when doing a Descending search with the last three pages the same.

    I also get random results doing Filesize Descending sometimes only one page displays.
    I do it again and it gives me the total number of pages available.

    Currently Pages (WII games.) from 1 to 23 appear correctly in order pages 24-26
    are anywhere from MB to GB in the list.

    Is there a reason for this please??
    Thanks all in advance.
  2. Blazemax

    Blazemax Well-Known Member

    um dumb question but i have to ask, is there any particular reason why you checking games based on size? Wouldnt it be easier if you just searched for the name of the game you wish to download/play?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Uughh ... Dooh! :p


    Ever thought of limited points or maximizing number of downloads through point budgeting?
  4. BoyFromOZ

    BoyFromOZ New Member


    Thanks for asking.

    Well in OZ yes a supposed First World Country with a F..... up internet currently I get anywhere from 300Kbps DL to 1Kbps.
    Being a tourist area at this time of year till mid Feb our Mobile networks get congested, our internet almost would be better using an old
    rs232 modem.
    So size does unfortunately matter.

    Will these issues be fixed well if the powers that be had used their brains (This story is long and as complicated as the amount of red tape a Govnmnt can make.)
    a lot of internet issues in OZ including speed would not be an issue.

    That coupled with now the Gov now meta checking everything done on the internet in Australia and they do more so I wanted to check file sizes so I can select the ones
    that should DL within a time window that hopefully allows maximum speed to finnish the DL faster.

    Thanks again.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The issue with OZ internet is actually the relatively limited amount of international transit, which isnt easily resolved because it costs a hell of a lot to lay an undersea cable that kind of distance
  6. bouvrie

    bouvrie New Member

    Issue is prolly related to sorting the data alphabetically, rather than numerically/filesize.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm pretty sure this used to work at least... will have a look see at some point soon.
  8. BoyFromOZ

    BoyFromOZ New Member

    Thanks Seph.