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Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by hihodiddlyo, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. hihodiddlyo

    hihodiddlyo New Member

    Please help if you can!
    I have been downloading a 7 gb size file for 6 straight hours! All of a sudden, I checked on it, and in google chrome, the download file color turned red. It looks like I have lost my downloaded file. I am very upset about this. Any tips to recovering the file so I can play Super Smash Brawl??????
  2. Blazemax

    Blazemax Well-Known Member

    if it stops, delete it and start over, lucky this site lets you retry(dont lose points)up to 72hours i believe. its annoying but very common.
  3. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Get IDM, internet download manager since you are downloading big files.