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All-In-One Fix for Pokemon Black and White 2 (All Regions) for No$Zoomer

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jhon 591, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Na that would react the same as if was on no$gba 2.6c - 2.7c without the AP code added .

    I just spent some time adding a hole collection of no$gba emulators to MEGA .


    Hum unlike no$gba 2.7c debugger , 2.8b dose not seam to be looping the code back from 037fbfe0 original 08 40 2d e9 , patch 06 16 a0 ea = 02001800 .

    Edit: Right I can party get it to work on no$gba 2.8b debugger , very quicky press * and / very fast , at offset 037FBFE0 type 08 40 2D E9 -> 06 16 A0 EA with Cheats on , tap on game screen to play , then should boot did for me .

    Issues iis unline no$gba 2.7c , 2.8b ARM randomly vanishes and appears quicky .


    I manged to get it to work with no$gba 2.8a , (Note) they is no freeze at summery screen .

    ROM Patch = adress 0033EA24 patch code 0616A0EA

    + use normal AP cheat .

    When using no$gba 2.8a set emu to boot from firmware GBA/NDS Bios (Nintendo logo)
    also have firmware files firmware.bin/biosnds9.rom/biosnds9.rom

    Save and reset emulator , also make sure cheat is selected after chose ROM .

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Patched -> NO$GBA set to GBA/NDS BIOS (Nintendo Logo) .

    Click F2 Add New Cheat tick raw format , tick box and OK , save and reset .

    Run Game.

    Fix cheat is for BIOS + firmware.bin / biosgba.rom / biosnds7.rom / biosnds9.rom

    New cheat to add to most AP fixes is = 02384624 EAA01606

    NO$GBA 2.8b Patched - Pokemon Black 2 (E-U)


    521809D4 43082020
    221809D4 00000010
    D2000000 00000000
    52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    E2001800 0000005C
    E92D4008 E3A00000
    E3A0150E E2811A06
    E5810B44 EA5FE9F2
    E59F4034 E59F5034
    E5845000 E59F4020
    E5945000 E59F601C
    E1550006 03A05001
    05C4500A 03A05000
    E1445DB4 E8BD01F0
    EA000D95 02181060
    1E631C3A 037FBFE0
    EAA01606 00000000
    D0000000 00000000
    02384624 EAA01606
    D0000000 00000000
    52004EA4 E12FFF1E
    E2004620 000000E0
    E59F0000 E12FFF1E
    0000A883 E59F0000
    E12FFF1E 0000B3CF
    E59F0000 E12FFF1E
    0000C127 E59F0000
    E12FFF1E 0000AA65
    0217CA2C 4770D1FC
    0206FC68 B082B5F8
    47702000 E92D401F
    E51F0020 E5901000
    E51F2024 E1510002
    03A03000 01C030B0
    03A03001 05C030DE
    E51F0038 E5901000
    E51F203C E1510002
    051F3040 05803000
    E28F0024 E5901000
    E3510001 08BD801F
    E5912000 E5903004
    E1520003 05904008
    05814000 E280000C
    EAFFFFF5 021809D4
    6A180EA8 6A004620
    02180A80 6A180EA8
    6A00462C 02180B2C
    6A180EA8 6A004638
    021A43A8 6A1A3A14
    6A004644 00000001
    02004EA4 EAFFFDEE
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  4. Battallboi

    Battallboi Member

    Links are down dude :)
    Jhon 591 likes this.
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Battallboi likes this.
  6. Battallboi

    Battallboi Member

    You are the man literally speaking of course :)
    Jhon 591 likes this.
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    grate thanks ;)
  8. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    No$gba 2.8c is out! Please make Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 works on both No$gba gaming and debugger version! :p