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All-In-One Fix for Pokemon Black and White 2 (All Regions) for No$Zoomer

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jhon 591, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. farcry31

    farcry31 Well-Known Member

    still no korean black 2 out
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Darn it.
    Anyone know any Koreans with the ROM?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try asking those 2 guys that hasn't responded to you, might help shed some light. ;)
  4. orcamania5

    orcamania5 Member

    Yes I am using clean rom that i downloaded from RomUlation.
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    XXXX - Pokemon Beullaeg 2 (KOR)

    !!!Pokemon Beullaeg 2 (K)
    ::No$Zoomer Fix + AP Fix + Disable 3D Edge Marking Combined
    52181114 43082020
    22181114 00000010
    D2000000 00000000
    52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    E2001800 0000005C
    E92D4008 E3A00000
    E3A0150E E2811A06
    E5810B44 EA5FE9F2
    E59F4034 E59F5034
    E5845000 E59F4020
    E5945000 E59F601C
    E1550006 03A05001
    05C4500A 03A05000
    E1445DB4 E8BD01F0
    EA000D95 021817A0
    1E631C3A 037FBFE0
    EAA01606 00000000
    D0000000 00000000
    52004EA4 E12FFF1E
    E2004620 000000C0
    E59F0000 E12FFF1E
    0000A883 E59F0000
    E12FFF1E 0000B3CF
    E59F0000 E12FFF1E
    0000C127 E59F0000
    E12FFF1E 0000AA65
    0217D16C 4770D1FC
    E92D401F E51F0014
    E5901000 E51F2018
    E1510002 03A03000
    01C030B0 03A03001
    05C030DE E28F0024
    E5901000 E3510001
    08BD801F E5912000
    E5903004 E1520003
    05904008 05814000
    E280000C EAFFFFF5
    02181114 6A1815E8
    6A004620 021811C0
    6A1815E8 6A00462C
    0218126C 6A1815E8
    6A004638 021A4AE8
    6A1A4154 6A004644
    00000001 CD1EE000
    02004EA4 EAFFFDEB
    D2000000 00000000
  6. Ultan

    Ultan Member

    I can get the game working on the emulator can save the game... but I want to put the game on my TTDS... When I do this it says error code 4 and I can't get it working... any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    See: RGF Multicart Update Compatibility List in spoiler to see if your card listed.

  8. Andlan

    Andlan New Member

    When I make my character, I get the animated scene where the woman is walking into the house, then I crash. How can I Fix?
    I'm on No$Gba2.6a with No$Zoomer on Ex5
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Are you using patched rom? If you haven't, do so.
    And make sure you properly check that you've done the setup in page 1, and make sure to save SETTINGS before going into the game.
    Sometimes a 'reset/reload' before going into the game after saving settings might help.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    ^^, Normal this could happen if wrong fix is used for the version of game, Sometimes emulation may crash now and then at random anyway.

    Clean ROMs at all times should be used.

    If you copy asnd paste the code, be sure non was missed by mistake.
  11. willy503

    willy503 New Member

    i am having problem with the time in game.
    Every time i restart the game, the time always switch back to 15:12....
    Have tried to edit the firmware, still the same problem.
    Pls help...
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Using firmware.bin / BIOS tends to stick date and time on DeSmuME lastest builds: http://www.emucr.com/search/label/NDS?&max-results=12

    But not no$zoomer and most likey will not as nothink can be done.
  13. ihatepurplesninjas

    ihatepurplesninjas New Member

    Hey guys. I am thankful for this fix code above. It works great. However i have 1 problem and i hope somone can help me with it. I am playing Pokemon White V2 on NO$GBA. When i go to view my pokemon in party or give an item for them to hold the screen goes black on exit. And considering i cant save when this happens its completely uneffective and is a crucial tool for me. If anyone knows how to fix this. I would greatly appreciate your help.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Maybe try DeSmuME , Make a backup copy of the save file in no$gba battery folder / and paste a copy to battery folder of desmume and rename file exention to save from .sav to .dsv

    And see if you have same issues are not, PS: yes you can use AR cheat on this emulator to.

    (Note) This game dose have many issues on emulation , even flashcards down to the ROMs big size and .
  15. joetimes3

    joetimes3 Guest

    for some reason after I save the game and exit no$zoomer, when i open it again my save file does not open and it just says new game and all of my proggress isn't there anymore. Can someone please reply and tell me why it isn't saving properly?
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Be sure you are using correct version of AR code for your version of ROM.

    You saved in game play ?

    Also do a soft reset at all times each time you play the ROM, after clicking on the AR code
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    1. Make sure to SAVE No$GBA Settings after setting up as shown on page 1
    2. Make sure to SOFT RESET/RELOAD the rom on the emulator after activating the AR codes so that the save file shows up
  18. joetimes3

    joetimes3 Guest

    yes, but i have another problem, after i save the emulator settigns in no$zoomer, when i close and open no$zoomer again, the settings I had just saved from previous use do not show up. And yes after i configure settings i do hit the "save settings" button.
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    delete .ini file and restart the settings

    your not on any new windows 8 ?, nothink so far has realy been tested on this new version.
  20. joetimes3

    joetimes3 Guest

    nope im using windows XP proffesional

    and where is the
    .INI file?