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Emuparadise will no longer offer ROM's or warez

Discussion in 'General News' started by M.AzaryPika3172, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Look likes Emuparaside website was SHUT DOWN all ROM's and warez because of pirates attack thanks to Nintendo. :( Here the information on this website!

    More information are here!


    Right now! All famous games will gone forever... :'( I hope other ROM websites, including this one (Romulation) will still online right now. :)
  2. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    The End is so fucking nigh.
    Those are the End times.
    I do not even own this site and I can feel death approaching.
    I dream of a gigantic serpent with the four letters, D, M, C and A, imprinted into it's forehead, relentlessly devouring our little black market.
    We shall all return to the accursed level of Hell we all came from.
    Back to not playing a game you love just because it isn't available in your region.
    Back to not having an External Hard Drive, but shitloads and shitloads and shitloads of fragile-ass CDs and shitty cartridges, both of which if it breaks, you gotta get another one, paying the same price, essentially buying the exact same game twice, for yourself.
    Back to being obliged to buy the newest console so you can have fun with your friends, because online multiplayer support for the previous one just ended.
    Back to buying a game to discover that it has only one level, with the rest of the whole game being DLCs.
    We must not resist, For we all know that we are criminals, The steel gavel shall be brought down upon us.
    They needn't have any mercy, As we hadn't for them.
  3. Riktor

    Riktor Videogamer

    someone on emuparadise posted this https://zeronet.io/
    could this be a solution fo be able to continue to upload the games or using private servers so no one take them down , is sad to see we will lose all of these good old games...hope a solution will come , right now i was searching sites with available downloads but no luck
    saher1175 likes this.
  4. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    Nice idea.
    any more suggestions anyone?
    Cause we need em.
    Riktor likes this.
  5. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah! I hear someone make Emuparadise website on Russian or China website... :confused:
  6. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    What do you mean by that?
  7. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Visit Youtube website and type "emuparadise" and all videos was showed emuparadise was not longer support rom. I read someone comments on any video and some of them have some idea about posting ROM games on Russian or China websites.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    this isn't a DMCA issue, this is nintendo bypassing the DMCA process.
  9. Riktor

    Riktor Videogamer

    the sad thing about this situation is that most old games cannot be purchased in any way ( well also some old consoles for them ) , basically those games can't be played anymore , and if luckily find a game/console for example on ebay or similar may be overpriced and/or not working at all....i where able to play some old games in the past only thanks to sites like this or emuparadise that got all games stored , now that emuparadise got every link shutted down and romulation have many games restricted , is impossible retrieve those games... like i said on earlier post , i think using an incensurabile site like the one i posted before or a private server , dmca maybe , should no longer be a problem and also romulation could maybe upload again those games that's are now restricted , at least is what i hope....sorry for my bad english guys
  10. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    ^The first post I've ever seen apologising for bad English that's actually written in bad english
  11. Riktor

    Riktor Videogamer

    yeah , since i'm italian i'm was using also google translate for some help on write all of that , sorry again to everyone , i know translators are not very good on translate things , hope is at least understandable...
  12. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    Don't worry, it is.

    I was talking about hypocritical grammar nazis who love pointing out every single mistake/typo people write, while they speak in broken english worse than uncle dolan.
    And if you try to correct their mistakes or criticise them, they bring their wrath down upon you as if they're the creators of the english language.

    Inversely, There are also posts written in absolute perfect english, apologising for bad english.
    Riktor likes this.
  13. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    Please explain.
  14. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Nintendo decided to sue loveroms directly instead of issuing DMCA notices for their IP.
  16. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    So basically, If we try that zeronet thing out, N's gonna sue us?
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we don't know what's going to happen at this point, its a waiting game.
  18. Riktor

    Riktor Videogamer

    seems also other site decided to shutdown everything , don't know if because of an actual dmca , i'm afraid continuing this way we will lose all those old games forever , and this makes me very sad , yeah i know is illegal and all , but still for many the only way for play those old games was thanks to sites like this one , emuparadise or that other site , i'm was one of those guys , it's very sad
  19. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    After Emuparadise was remove all ROMS, next website is... ISOZone! All ROM was gone forever! Good job, Nintendo!
  20. Riktor

    Riktor Videogamer

    that was the site i meant on message before , i believed couldn't be mentioned