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Flash Carts: A Guide to What to Avoid and What to Buy

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by LuckyTrouble77, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    What Calo said. Sorry about the late reply. I didn't notice this in my recent replies, at all. Anything that says 3D is bogus. The AK3 is a rip off. It is not a product of the Acekard team.

    If you want the DSTwo, get the DSTwo. You won't regret it.
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Hugh, please add R4i Gold 3DS as a card to buy. It is one of the best cards out there. In order:

    1. DSTwo
    2. Cyclo DSi
    3. Acekard 2i
    4. R4i Gold 3DS
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I need to add the fourth and discard that second. The CycloDSi has had no support for a few months now and has not proven to be worth the price tag.
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Ok. Please do.
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    List updated. Addendum and reason for it noted. Specified with the R4i Gold 3DS to help avoid imitators.
  6. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    Did something happen to EDGE? Because the site disappeared and prior to that they had not updated the firmware for a while...
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The site is still online : http://www.edge-ds.cn/
    I think they merely decided to end any further updates.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The Edge team is Team Cyclops, so don't be too surprised that Team Cyclops' disappearance happens to coincide perfectly with Team Edge's disappearance.
  9. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    if not is there any cartridge that plays "3d roms" but obviously not in 3d mode as that isnt possible yet i know that much :D
    for example im after mariokart7 rom what cartridge will play it
    im not fussed at all about the 3d aspect as long as it plays the actual game
    any help would be really appreciated cheers xx :D
    ive just realised that if mario kart 7 is only available for 3ds thats crap! and a 3ds game wont play on a ds lite! :-[
    Post Merge: [time]1326037638[/time]
    oooh and i forgot to say "Happy new year you lovely lot" xxx :D
  10. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    3ds ROMs cannot be played yet, 3d or not. And even if 3ds games did work on DS, the cartridges are different in shape, so it won't fit into a ds
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The 3DS plays in 3DS mode. This mode specifically allows it to play 3DS games, as DS mode allows the DS to specifically play DS games, and DSi mode specifically allows it to play DSi only games (no matter how few they may be). The encryption over every part of the 3DS is fairly good, and it has not been cracked yet. This means there is no way to play 3DS ROM's, as 3DS mode is still encrypted and impossible to access via methods available outside of having a 3DS and the game in question.

    3DS mode doesn't just allow the game to play in 3D, it gives the system access to the entirety of the power and hardware available for use, whereas DS mode will only pull as much as it needs to play DS games (thus the increased battery life when playing DS games vs 3DS games on the 3DS). No DS Lite or DSi will ever play a 3DS game, no matter what you do.

    As for the status of 3DS hacking, it's being worked on. That's all there really is in terms of everybody friendly news.
  12. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    so the cartridges out for 3ds at the moment will only play ds games but with a 3ds shaped cartridge is that right
  13. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I haven't seem such a card just yet.
    Because the 3DS is hacked with the DS mode and for being able to do that they have to hack the 3DS mode... which hasn't happened AFAIK
  14. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    so these "3ds" cartridges are like cyclosds iEvolution saying you can play 3ds back up games is it true this is what they are saying
    Cyclo3DS is a multi-functional Micro SD / micro SDHC card adapter for 3DS and NDS Lite & DSi. With it you can play 3DS Backup Games (3DS roms), listen to MP3s, view images, read e-books and can enjoy the vast collection of homebrew applications for 3DS & NDS.
    i am so confused ?
  15. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

  16. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    :) but i can still put ds and dsi games on the 3d cart supercard dstwo though thats what ive been told?

    god im annoying myself now ;D
  17. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    yes ds games will work as long as you don't update your 3DS
  18. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Or when you apply the latest crack from your flashcard
  19. PurgexCross

    PurgexCross New Member

    It seems like every site I go to is tied to some ridiculous scam like EPGBill or things like that.
    I'm looking for a cheap card for the original DS, that's all. If possible, I'd like to know what sites to go to that actually accept Paypal like most legitimate websites.

    I've been poking around through the link in the R4i Gold, but that just leads me to other sites that I have no idea of their reputation, or come up with bad reputations. A little help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    Cheap? You should get r4 then