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[PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3 - jin_kazama

Discussion in 'Game Reviews' started by jc_106, May 20, 2008.

  1. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member


    Developer - KCEJ / Kojima Productions
    Publisher - Konami
    Designer - Hideo Kojima
    Platform - PlayStation 2
    Release Date - NA 17/11/2004 - JP 16/12/2004 - EU 04/03/2005
    Genre - Stealth action
    Mode - Single player
    PEGI - 16+

    After the debut of Metal Gear Solid 2 on the PS2, with Raiden as the main character, the Cold War reinvents itself, now with Jack (codename: Naked Snake) as main character. This man also appeared in the previous chapter, as Pliskin. The game had just the same success (i.e. very high), or maybe even better. As before, it won the Best Game Award, for some reason.

    In this game, Snake infiltrates a Russian base, which is developing a war tank, named Shagohod, that could annihilate the United States. Along his mission, he's aided by Major Tom, codename Major Zero, a man who used to belong to the USA army, and who now works in FOX, an American Secret Services Agency, the paramedic also help him. She is a woman, formed in Medicine, and she has knowledge on every kind of animals and wounds Snake might find along his mission; and by The Boss, a woman who was the mentor of Snake, and taught him everything he knew. She was a legendary soldier, as she and her team were the ones who put an end to the World War Two.

    This is how Snake entered the jungle: the first Halo jump in the world.

    His first mission, called The Virtuous Mission, is to rescue the man who built the project, Sokolov. He was catured by the Russian army, and he has been put under pressure, so he would build the tank for them. He was kept in an abandoned factory, in the middle of the jungle. Snake is then left in the wild to find Sokolov and bring him back safely to the United States. As he tried to do it, The Boss defected to Russia, and prevented him from accomplishing his mission. She took Sokolov with her, and left Snake badly injured in the wild. Some time later, Snake was rescued by the USA and taken to a hospital, where he was treated. When he was fully healed, he was sent back there, so he could complete his second mission, as he failed his first one. His mission now is to infiltrate the base where Shagohod is, and blow the entire project away.

    The Boss, the truest Patriot of all time.

    As The Boss is not on his side anymore, Snake would need a new expert on weapons, camouflage, infiltration and combat techniques. That's when SigInt (Signal of Intelligence), the funniest man in the game, comes into play. But, be ware, he's not an expert on weapons, equipment and cutting edge technology. He is THE expert on weapons, equipment and cutting edge technology. he knows everything you need to know about guns and equipment. You'll be calling him often.

    During the game, you''l meet other people, like the Ocelot, an idiotic but talented man, ''belonging'' to the Russian army, and a woman that has been sent by the KGB to help Snake. However, the most dangerous man is Vogin, a Russian colonel who has electricity running on his body. He commands all the soldiers trying to stop you, and he's the one who'll try to stop with the Shagohod, the war tank.

    Volgin, the colonel that tries to suppress you.

    The story is very sad in the end. You get to fight The Boss, your all time mentor, and you actually kill her (yes, it's a she). In the cut scenes after the battle you find out she defected for her country. She was given a mission she had to accomplish: kill you. She could not get back until she did it, and she wouldn't be accepted in her country again if she killed you. It was a dead end. She could only get back to her beloved country in a single way: dead. So, she waited for the perfect time to battle you, when you were ready for her. And she was killed by you, so she could get back. In fact, it's the more touching storyline I've seen in a game. Plus, you actually find out that probably she was Snake's mother. But she was murdered by her own country. As EVA said, «She was a true Patriot.»

    EVA, holder of the truth and owner of a nice suit.

    As for the weapons, there are loads of them. From lethal to tranquilizers, grenades to mines, Snake will find tons of weapons. The tranquilizers are subdivided in the MK22, EZGUN and Mosin Nagant. These are, respectively, pistols and a sniper. The last one can only be found if you defeat a boss in a certain way. In the lethals category, there are many. A pistol, the M1911A1, many submachine guns, among them the powerful Patriot, which you get after defeating The Boss at the end of the game, and Scorpion. You also get a shotgun, the M37, which is relatively difficult to aim, but when you do shot an enemy, he'll be sent flying. There are many other weapons, like grenades, among them the frag, white phosphorus and stun, and there's also an RPG. There are others, it's up to you to find them.


    Of course, Snake can't just rely on his weapons. His trump is the equipment. There are also lots of these, from the anti-personal sensor to the cigar, and you can also find the more useless cardboard boxes. The equipments are extremely useful, I used them more than the weapons, in fact. With them, you can prevent your enemies to come near you, as the Anti-Personal sensor will beep when people are near you; the Sonar detects bodies near you, so it's useful to detect both enemies and animals to eat. However, it only detects bodies that are moving. just make sure you don't activate the sonar when near enemies, as they will enter Alert Mode.The thermal goggles are a key item when it comes to invisible people, as you can see the heat from their bodies.

    Analysis time, people!

    Presentation - 10/10: Everything looks so perfect. It's the state of the art. 'Nuff said.

    Graphics - 10/10: Man, third best graphics on PS2 on my opinion. Beaten by God of War and Dragon Quest 8. The game's extremely detailed: the people, animals, plants, buildings... Every thing's just right, polished and sharp.

    Sound - 10/10: The intro song is beautiful, even won an award. Happily, that's the only song it has; a sneaking game is meant to be silent. Also, the voices, gun effects, animals sounds... every thing's just right.

    Gameplay - 10/10: Damn. This is where the game truly rocks. I'll let you find out why.

    Lasting Appeal - 10/10: Even after beating the game and knowing the story, it'll still be extremely addicting. And I'm sure you didn't get everything in the first time you played. There are tons of things to be found. Look in the cut scenes too.

    Total - 50/50: It's just fantastic.

  2. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    It's a rather old game but duuuuudeee you know I love Metal Gear so I'll give you a double thumbs up for this review. (I'd give you a triple but then i got only 2 hands.) Though I wouldn't give it a perfect score, have some minor fallbacks here and there but an excellent game nevertheless
  3. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    I suck a wide variety of things when it comes to the MGS series, but I always liked the third; the change of scenery, detail and all of the little things you could play around with made it so much fun. I wouldn't call it perfect due to a few annoying little things, mostly a lot of the latter half of the game, but it's still a very good game (and the fact that I can't even get through Normal without a big challenge might of made it a bit less fun :'(). Plus, you gotta love "Snake Eater," and someday, you will feed on a tree frog. And I still think that "Battle in the Base" is still the main theme for the 'industrial' area :D

    But, ahem; nice review, as always. I'd write more, but I'm too lazy and TWEWY is too addicting.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    For some reason? So you don't know why you gave it a perfect score?
  5. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Metal Gear can be enticing. It beckons you and drains any intelligence you have left (Thanks a lot Hideo Kojima for putting a lot of crap in this gme!) Maybe that's why he gave it a perfect score without knowing the reason
  6. 5389530

    5389530 New Member


    mgs3,i like it ;D
  7. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    You know what I mean. Edited it, anyway.
  8. power08

    power08 Member

    nice reviews, metalger is a fantastic game
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    "In this game, Snake infiltrates a Russian base, which is developing a war tank, named Shagohod, that could annihilate the United States."

    Shagohod that could annihilate the United States.
    no comma!


    after you said the MGS3 review only had two mistakes, I just HAD to find a third one.

    you're probably going to bust me for this, but I have never played any of the MGS games.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Jin is correct in this case, the 'named Shagohod' is extra information, thus is encapsulated in commas. It reads equally well as 'In this game, Snake infiltrates a Russian base, which is developing a war tank that could annihilate the United States.'
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    in the case of the comma, you would have to use the word "which" instead of "that." thus, keeping the comma indicating that it is extra information.

    there are two ways to correct the same sentence.
    it depends if you want to make Shagohod relevant information.
    you are allowed to use "that" in the sentence excluding Shagohod because there is no comma separating the two or more clauses.
    if you used "which" in the sentence excluding Shagohod, the sentence would not make sense without a comma.

    I played MSG1 for about 3 minutes. I was just learning the controls and as soon as I stood up, I died.
  12. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    No, it's as Loony says. It's a tank that could annihilate the US. The tank is named Shagohod. Thus, by compiling these two informations, we get "It's a tank, named Shagohod, that could annihilate the US."

    I learned how to justify my view point in Portuguese classes, but I guess I need to take some sleep before school days. :p
  13. Classic-wolf

    Classic-wolf Well-Known Member

    You need more substance! (I made a funny!) Seriously, more words, describe more of the gameplay. You completely forgot the camoflage, the tweaked: movement , the NO X BUTTON running and gunning, and hold-up interfaces. You didn't even mention KEROTAN! Barely brought up the medical part of the game. And NO, Snake is NOT fully healed! Para-Medic even says so in a radio comm.! Plus you messed up your rating of the game! MGS3 is far from perfect. It's one of the best games I've ever played, but not a 50/50! Also, I probably sounded like a jerk, but other than those little details, I think this review does Pheonix Wrights' job: justice! Think of these hints as angry constructive criticism. Please exercise it when reviewing my reviews! Nice pics. (I made another funny! If you've ever read any of my reviews.) This reply is mostly jest, with some hints.
  14. lazites

    lazites Active Member

    hmm, I do agree that it is a fantastic game, but I wouldn't give it perfect (and I'm a big mgs fan)

    mgs2 for the time was perfect in my opinion ^.^
  15. Classic-wolf

    Classic-wolf Well-Known Member

    If there is any Metal Gear game that deserves a perfect, I feel the original on playstation and Gamecube is the game in the series that deserves it the most, because it was the game that really just singlehandedly launched the series. Then, ever since everybody knew about the awesome Metal Gear Solid. I really didn't like the initial release of Metal Gear Solid 2, because A) You didn't get to see the whole structure of Big Shell, and Raiden are my two biggest complaints, those and I miss the F.A.M.A.S. (I also miss Snake's straight kick*whimpers*) So it's mostly aesthetic things that bother me, but the wacky storyline doesn't help, although personally, it doesn't hurt either.

    ADVENTSIGN New Member

    anyone who miss this game.. pity on them!!!
    this is one of the coolest game ever been made..
    game play,story line,graphics name it your on!!
    and i wish they will made a movie of this!! ???
  17. Classic-wolf

    Classic-wolf Well-Known Member

    First, they'd have to make Metal Gear, then Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Snakes Revenge, then Metal Gear Solid (and Ghost Babel), next MGS2, FINALLY MGS3...
    That is a while away, they have to at least start with Metal Gear Solid, to give the third game being made into a movie more purpose and sense, I mean, it's the most cinematically friendly movie of the first three, (and some would argue of all four, (all seven if you include every game,)) but if you just jump out there and go MGS 3 XYZ date 2009, Generally people will go "huh? What's that noise?" ask where the first two movies went, and kind of ruin the way the story unfolds, like tearing a map and not stopping until it's opened all the way whether it likes it or not, I think it would just kind of confuse people. Now don't get me wrong, I've met more than a few people whose first Metal Gear game was 3, but they didn't really understand the implications of the ending. example: Friend beats game, friend sees timeline at end. Friend asks me "Les Enfants Terribles"? I have to go through sixty(exaggeration) hours of excellently written Metal Gear dialogue, ruining the first two games story for my friend. Vacuums Bull Testosterone glands. Urinates me off that I had to spoil two perfectly good games storylines just to explain what the hades "Les Enfants Terribles" means. Now, if they package MG, MG2SS and MGS together as one movie, then made Metal Gear Solid 3, then 2, that might make sense, but jumping from no-where to three would just pull a Resident Evil style movie, which just nags at me! They didn't even do the first one right, but I do NOT want to get into that right now. I just hope to see a much more VG faithful remake of Resident Evil 1 and 2/3(Apocalypse). I hope Hollywood starts using their brains more, and just overall translate games to movies better. You know, learn from your mistakes! But so far, they haven't even learned from one of their first mistakes, a la Super Mario Bros. Have it actually take place inside the game, and keep the main cutscenes, details, and ALL POWERUPS and NORMAL SIZE!!! Or at least before it, to help flesh out more story. But no---------o! It has repeated SMB and SFII mistakes, so for now, Hollywood can go Forn itself when it comes to making movies out of games. They need to go play brain-age or something. But yes I do agree that MGS Series needs to be made into movie format, albeit more faithfully than certain other movies, because of the cinematic and intrinsic value already built into the original games. Sorry I flew semi-off topic but I finally got around to seeing those Resident movies recently. (They Vacuum!)
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I don't know if MGS should be turned to movie form, we already have the movie, it's the games themselves (not a flaming comment but the games ARE movies). I really don't want a movie that adds in stupid garbage because the director wanted it to be in to appeal to the masses, which is what they'd do.

    I personally think MGS3 is the weakest in the series, the camo system, take out the bullets thing didn't agree with me. I also didn't like the setting, I never knew where I was going and I thought it wasn't as fun as it's sequel and predecessors. To me MGS4 is the best MGS, then MGS2, the the first MGS then the 3rd.
  19. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Agreed on that.

    MGS4 is much more of an action/war game, MGS3 is much more of a surreptitious action game. I prefer the third over the fourth and second (never played the first). You feel like you're Snake, taking care of yourself, feeding yourself, blending with your environment, etc. It really depends on tastes, you know.
  20. dann1387

    dann1387 Member

    The boss battle against the sniper (cant remember the name) was one of the most interesting boss battles in any game ive ever played. I loved it. It took so much strategy and patience. The whole game was excellent.