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Pokemon Black/White Action Replay

Discussion in 'Cheats & Hints' started by jayw08, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. BloodyValkyrie

    BloodyValkyrie New Member

    Emm... How do I activate the experience multiplier codes?
  2. 013456

    013456 Member

    How do I activate any pokemon can learn any TM/HM for white version?
  3. ShifuAD

    ShifuAD New Member

    Hello Guys good afternoon. Well I have a question for you guys since this is the White cheat code thread =D. Anyway, I entered in the Catch any pokemon code it works fine but after I catch the pokemon I want It keeps on giving that same pokemon over and over and over when I walk in the Grass, any way to disable it and be able to use again at a later time. Thank you for your time.. and sorry for the extensive post or if I didn't post int he right thread.
  4. Pokemon Black Action Replay

    For some reason, my action replay works for every game but pokemon black. Can anyone help????

    Details: I bought this action replay sometime last summer, so the games and codes for black wasn't entered and i had to enter them manuelly. I tried a bunch of codes and what happened is that the AR froze at the code screen. Anyone no Why?????[/size][/size]
  5. zsfwaw

    zsfwaw Member

    Action Replay codes

    i cant get any AR codes to work at all on my rom (WHITE). Can someone please help me ?? thanks
  6. death bringer

    death bringer New Member

    i was wondering if anybody actually has keldeo meloetta and genesect. im trying to get these three pokemon but nobody seems to have them on other pokemon sites cuase they are hacked. : P so if anybody has them my friend code for pokemon white is 4770-7076-6204 and my game name is zero. i will be on wi fi from now till later but id prefer it if you could get on now and trade me them. thank you. :)
    Post Merge: [time]1301181234[/time]
    its becuase you have to update your action replay. you need the disk and the cord that come with it and you can update it via codejunkies.com
  7. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Is there any cheat code for Pokerus?
  8. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    this thread has 280k views.
  9. Porhati

    Porhati New Member

    I am having a problem with this code:

    ::Catch Any Pokémon (L+R) (Select)
    :::press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Press Select before heading into grass.
    94000130 FCFF0000
    02233E2C 02890001
    02233E30 00640002
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    DA000000 02233E2E
    D3000000 00000000
    D7000000 0224FE90
    D3000000 00000000
    DA000000 02233E32
    D3000000 00000000
    D7000000 0224FE92
    D3000000 00000000
    D9000000 0224FE90
    D3000000 00000000
    C0000000 00000037
    D6000000 0224FE90
    D2000000 00000000

    The problem is that i deactivate the code after I have used it. But it is still effecktive on the the last pokemon I wanted to appear. I used the code to catch a Lucario and Blaziken in lvl 20. But now I am stuck with only one pokemon appearing in the grass at all times. It is not random anymore. I always get the same pokemon and the same lvl. This of course depends on the amount of ultra and master balls I throw. Is there any way to reverse this so i get random pokemon appearing again?

    Thank you
  10. Domo480

    Domo480 New Member

    I'm also having the same problem, looking for a way to disable this. Anyone figure out a way?
  11. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    To reverse wild pokemon back to normal, turn off the codes and go to any towns or cities. Then, go inside any buildings and get out back. Go to any grasses (any routes) and wild pokemon will back to normal. Finally, use the same codes for getting other pokemon. Alternative mode, use this codes by changing XXX into any HEX value for pokemon.

    94000130 FFFB0000
    B2000024 00000000
    C0000000 0000002F
    00034D20 00000XXX
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000
  12. vinlab0202

    vinlab0202 New Member

    do i need internet for that updateXD?
  13. Blaze335

    Blaze335 New Member

    To fix the problem, you have to update your action replay firmware, just click the update button at the top of the code manager, make sure you save your codes, I am pretty sure they will get deleted. :-\
    Post Merge: [time]1304128449[/time]
    Pokemon Modifier Press Select Change the ZZZ To the Number of a pokemon you want. If it's a single or double digit, use a 0 as a place holder. EX. Bulbasaur, 001,

    94000130 fffb0000
    c0000000 0000002f
    12250010 00000ZZZ
    dc000000 00000004
    d2000000 00000000
  14. vinlab0202

    vinlab0202 New Member

    do need internet for that update???
  15. DeniedGrox

    DeniedGrox New Member

    I don't care if this is a necro or a bump!
    I want need HELP!
    I lost my USB connector for my action replay.
    Is there any way to retrieve a new one? If you do know, please reply!
    Thanks for the help!
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Hmmm... try going to a game /computer shop to look for a compatible USB sparepart cable, if you can't find it then let it fly out the window. :p
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Old thread is old, yes. But hasn't a Pokemon Black/White compatible version of Pokesav been made available yet? Using Pokesav is way better than relying on Action Replay, Game Shark &/or Codebreaker codes in my opinion.
  18. razordragon430

    razordragon430 Active Member

    hey the experience modifier one isnt working!
    i tried to use it for the first battle and didnt work or am i missing something?
  19. UltimateEmboar

    UltimateEmboar New Member

    hi i have a problem on pokemon white on no$gba =(
    the code for disable the no exp work but when i play a few mins later the game somehow freeze or something at when i battle the trainer N at the city the "fight"button disepear and the :bag,run,pokemon," button is freeze and the music is on pls help
  20. That guy in the Corner

    That guy in the Corner Active Member

    The given code on page two does not work with Pokemon White on DeSmuME, and the GBAtemp link given is broken, can we get an Update here?