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Can I ask for help about SD2SNES on Flashcart section?

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by RVP, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. RVP

    RVP New Member


    I need help about the tech specs for SD2SNES,
    but the Flashcart section seems to just speak about DS, 3DS, GBA...
    And I don't want to look like a dumb!

    Can I really post something about the SD2SNES in there?
    If not, where could I?

    I asked for help in the EverDrive forum (SD2SNES host forum),
    but nobody could answer my questions.
    And I did them at almost 5 months ago.

    I'd appreciate a help. Thanks.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you're talking about this:
    Yes, it falls into the category of "flash cartridge", go ahead post your question (not advertisement) in the "FlashCart Section". As for if someone can actually help and answer your question is a different matter altogether. But try anyway, maybe you get lucky this time.
  3. RVP

    RVP New Member

    Well, the ones I saw on eBay, Google Images and any other place else are in translucent plastic,
    but They accept MicroSD cards too.
    I think there is just only one SD2SNES, no matter the shape.
    Thanks for the reply.