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Legit Pokemon SS union room wifi communication error

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by saikkussu, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. saikkussu

    saikkussu Well-Known Member

    I had noticed whenever I tried to connect with a friend through the union room and then talk to them my connection would always fail, but battling through upstairs works and anything wifi downstairs works too.
    Could have using my ards and cheats have caused my union room to not work ? or is it that I got a bad card?
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I had this same problem awhile back on Platinum, Try disabling all cheats.

    This fixed all the issues I was having.
  3. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    Most likely protection for the same cheat that ruined dp, catching other trainers pokemon.
  4. saikkussu

    saikkussu Well-Known Member

    Disabled cheats: still an error
    Removed ARds and played game normally: still an error
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Probably a shitty connection...
    Shut down all traffic from the other computers when you are connected.
  6. saikkussu

    saikkussu Well-Known Member

    I have also done this in an area without any technology except for two ds's and though they recognize that the other one is there- it is when talking tries to happen that the connection 'fails' on my retail cartridge. and like I said battling through upstairs works and anything wifi downstairs works too. so I don't think I have a bad connection
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Soooooooo what's the point of the Union Room?
    If you can battle upstairs and connect via WiFi downstairs, then what's the point?

    I always thought having 2 pokemon with a level 30 cap was absolutely RETARDED so I have never actually used the Union Room (besides it being empty). I actually thought you meant the other mode where you can play games and stuff with other people connected via WiFi.
  8. saikkussu

    saikkussu Well-Known Member

    You can battle, mix records, trade, draw, and spin/ egg trade WITHOUT WIFI with friends who have the pokemon hgssDPP and who I actually have for once. And you can't spin-trade or mix records or draw with wifi.
    ps most/all my friends don't have wifi